Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mmm...lazy sunday!

Oops it's been awhile, hasn't it?

Work has been over-the-top stressful and it seems I can only focus on so many things at the same time. I've become a library book junkie, though. I just love checking out a bunch of non-fiction books about various topics (seriously, non-fiction because there's so little commitment required...if it's not my style or not interesting, I have no trouble just skimming a bit and giving up. With fiction I feel more an obligation to read every word). I love reading about nutrition and survival stories and self-help ideas and even stuff that does not apply to me AT ALL, like dating advice. I love to read stuff like that for ideas for my characters and just for amusement (and gratitude that I'm not IN the dating world, haha). Writing books, too, although they start to annoy me after awhile, most of the time. I check out anything that just catches my fancy at that moment.

A great book that I've just finished is called The Survivor's Club. I read that book absolutely riveted. It's about people who have survived amazing things, and some of the science behind it. What makes some people do the right thing in a crisis, and what makes others flail or freeze. Really fascinating writing and well written.

Well, it's Sunday morning and the coffee is good, the cat is purring, and there's still a full day spread ahead. *raises mug*


  1. The survival book sounds really interesting, in a make-me-nervous kind of way. I think it's a great idea for writers to read non-fiction because you never know what kind of information will come in handy!

    The Introvert book is really good, by the way, ALSO in a make-me-nervous sort of way. I think you might like it!

  2. SS: oooh, maybe I should then check out that introvert book! :)
