Friday, October 21, 2011

Really Dropped the Ball

Okay, I have really dropped the ball on this! I have been mega busy and at the same time, mega lazy. Thus, my free time has been in a zone of staring mindlessly at the television or computer.

So I'm leaving town tomorrow for a short time, but next week I have a few movies to review and a few Very Deep and Profound Thoughts about writing and the creative process.

Also, Nanowrimo is coming up in a few short weeks. Do YOU know where your muse is?


  1. OOOH! I eagerly await the Very Deep and Profound Thoughts. I may sound like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm really not! :)

  2. Missed you at the NaNo get-together today! You missed some fun stuff and some interesting stuff and a very sweet and cute ML, but no cycads.

    Looking forward to your next blog posts! She nagged naggingly. Don't make me send the Corn Stalker after you!

  3. A and SS: I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS! :) Your comments make all this worthwhile! :) I am very sorry I missed that Nano gathering. But now I hear tell there were cycods. asdlkfjas;dlfkjas;dlfkj Noooooooo!
